
Nearest Living Relative to the Dodo Bird Dazzles with Vibrant Iridescent Plumage


Nearest Living Relative to the Dodo Bird Dazzles with Vibrant Iridescent Plumage

The dodo bird has been long terminated, however it actually has family members living on the planet today. Known as the Nicobar pigeon, this uncommon animal is the nearest living association with the renowned flightless bird, albeit the two don't resemble the other the same. One striking distinction is the Nicobar pigeon's dynamic plumage that sparkles in glowing blues, coppers, and greens notwithstanding its ruddy legs and little white tail. This beautiful trademark created in light of their area; the bird has for quite some time been disconnected on little islands and needed characteristic hunters. Since there's no compelling reason to disguise themselves, they had the option to build up the splendid plumes.

Nearest Living Relative to the Dodo Bird Dazzles with Vibrant Iridescent Plumage

The Nicobar pigeon dwells in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, from the Indian Nicobar Islands toward the east to places like Thailand and Papua New Guinea. Despite the fact that its definite populace check is muddled, the species is in decrease in light of deforestation and the arrival of non-local hunters (like rodents and felines) to these islands. The Nicobar pigeon is presently considered "close compromised" with protection endeavors proposed to assist the birds with flourishing.

Photo credit: Larry Lim

Photo credit: Steve Wilson

Photo credit: PietervH

Photo credit: Henri Haneveer

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